Having traversed Canada and U.S. to compete for her first time in Florida, former Canadian Pan Am Team member Karen Pavicic declares it a great move, highlighted by positive competition results and a close-knit experience with fellow Canadians.

The coast of California is the British Columbian’s usual route for the winter CDI show season. This year, however, thanks in large part to a grant from Dressage Canada, Karen was able to send her horse to Wellington to join other Canadians in increasing competitive success, camaraderie, and the unique atmosphere in this “horse mecca”.
Looking forward to their third CDI next week, Karen and Don Daiquiri, the twelve-year-old Oldenburg gelding sired by Don Cardinale, competed in their first experience in a four-star CDI when the invitational AGDF 5 CDI 4* brought the horse and rider team their personal bests with a 68.7 percent at Grand Prix and 71.4 percent for the Grand Prix Freestyle.

The pair will also compete in the invitational AGDF 12 CDI 5*.
